Radiation Safety manages all aspects of radiation related research and work at USC campuses and satellite sites. Its roles and responsibilities include the following: (a) oversee all radiation research via Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) issuance and protocol review, (b) conduct safety audits, (c) train faculty and staff on safety standards and waste management, (d) control exposure, and (e) serve as liaison between USC and regulatory agencies.

Quick Links

Order radioactive materials (RAM).

Order radiation-producing machines/equipment (RPM).

Enroll in the dosimetry program.

Learn about radiation safety training.

Radiation Safety Manual (RSM)

The Radiation Safety Manual contains procedural guidelines and information for prudent work practices while using any radioactive materials or radiation-producing devices at USC. The manual covers the following and more:

  • RUA application
  • Procurement
  • Good laboratory practices
  • Waste management
  • Dosimetry
Radiation Safety Manual
Download the RSM (PDF) >>

X-Ray Safety Manual

X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation. Unsafe use of ionizing radiation is potentially harmful and can result in permanent effects on DNA, severe skin or tissue damage, and cancer.

The X-Ray Safety Manual contains procedural guidelines and information for prudent work practices while using any x-ray producing device (XPD) at USC. The manual is made available to every area authorized to use XPDs and any area where XPDs are present.

X-RAY Safety Manual
Download the XSM (PDF) >>

Laser Safety Manual

The laser produces an intense, highly directional beam of light. Its unique properties, though hazardous, are essential for many types of research at USC.

USC’s Laser Safety Program delineates safe work practices (engineering/administrative controls and PPE) for all faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who handle lasers at USC labs/locations.

Laser Safety Manual
Download the LSM (PDF) >>

Rad Management

Rad Management icon

Visit the links below to manage radiation safely and effectively.

Emergency Response

Know how to respond to emergencies and the steps to take for proper notification and reporting.

Emergency Response icon

Additional Resources

RAM InfoTrainingAdministrative
RAM Inventory Usage RecordNotice to Employees (rhb2364)Rad SOP TemplateRadPro CalculatorRadiation Safety Training FAQsRadiation Safety Committee
Monthly Contamination CheckRadioactive Materials (RAM) Safety and Emergency Procedures Rad SOP – ExampleCommonly Used IsotopesRadiation Safety Inspection Process Flow Chart
Dosimeter Add/DeleteRadiation Safety in Dental Practice
Transfer/Shipment of Radioactive Materials
X-ray/Radiation-producing machine registration
X-ray Equipment Close-Out

Recommended Vendors

Radiochemicals – Perkin ElmerBeta Shields – Fisher ScientificPortable Survey Meters and Repairs – Ludlum MeasurementsX-Ray: Lead Gloves – Universal Medical
Scintillation Cocktail – Fisher ScientificThin Lead Sheets – FWF Medical ProductsRecommended Survey Meter: Model 3Lead Glasses – Universal Medical
Scintillation Vials – VWRLead Bricks – MarShieldGM Detector (Alpha, Beta, Gamma): Model 44-9Thyroid Shields – Universal Medical
X-Ray: Lead Curtains – MarShieldScintillation Detector (Low Energy Gamma and I-125): Model 44-3Lead Aprons – Henry Schein
X-Ray: Facility Shielding – MarShieldLiquid Scintillation Counters (Low Energy Beta): LabLogicLaser: Eye Protection – Kentek
Laser: Barriers and Curtains – KentekPerkin Elmer
Beckman Coulter (Service only)