Occupational Health and Safety designs, implements, and manages comprehensive health and safety programs for the university that protect and enhance the health and well-being of the university community as well as continually improve safety in occupational, research, educational, and living environments.
Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)
The Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) is a written workplace safety program required by Cal-OSHA T8 CCR §3203. The regulation requires that every employer develop and implement an effective IIPP. Included with the IIPP, is the COVID-19 Prevention Program.
- IIPP | IIPP Policy | IIPP Template | COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP) | IIPP Fact Sheet | IIPP Admin Guide Fact Sheet | T8 CCR §3203 Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Training | Trojan Learn IIPP titles: IIPP Admin How-To Guide (IIPP overview for IIPP Administrators), USC Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP training for all USC employees), and USC Injury and Illness Prevention Program – Acknowledgement
- Workplace Violence Prevention | Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WPVPP) and annual training – see Workplace Violence Prevention.
Each school and department is required to develop a customized IIPP specific to the unit’s workplace.
Industrial Hygiene (IH)

USC is duty-bound to evaluate and control potential occupational exposures for its employees. This is accomplished by the following Industrial Hygiene Programs – visit the Industrial Hygiene web page for more information:
- Asbestos Management: Asbestos Inventory – email EHS@usc.edu for more information
- Confined Space Entry: Confined Space Entry Program
- Hearing Conservation: Hearing Conservation Program | Hearing Conservation Program Flowchart
- Hearing Conservation Fact Sheet: Hearing Conservation & Noise Control Fact Sheet
- IH Monitoring: Submit a Safety Concern for IH monitoring
- Indoor Air Quality: IAQ | Mold Prevention
- Lead-based Paint Management: Lead Inventory – email EHS@usc.edu for more information
- Reproductive Health Program (RHP): Reproductive Health Program
- Respiratory Protection Program (RPP)
Shop Safety
The Shop Safety Program was established to impart general safety protocol and safety management across all university shops and university shop activities. Visit Shop Safety Program for more information.
- Shop Safety: USC Shop Safety Manual | Machine Guarding Program | Electrical Safety
- Shop Safety Rules: Universal Shop Safety Rules
- All-Staff Training | General Shop Safety Training
- Resources | Machine Guarding poster | Machine-Specific Guarding Surveys and Safety Placards Prescription Safety Glasses | Prescription Safety Glasses Form – USC Roski Eye Institute | Shop Hazard Assessment Form

OH&S Collective

The following plans/programs underscore personal safety, equipment safety, Right-to-Know, and more.
- Medical Surveillance
- Ergonomics
Emergency Notification and Incident Reporting
Know how to respond to emergencies and the steps to take for proper notification and reporting.
- Emergency Information: 1-2-3 Serious Injury Reporting Flyer
- Reporting: Emergency/Non-Emergency Notification and Reporting
- Resources: USC Benefits – Workers’ Compensation web page
- Forms: Manager’s Report of Incident form | Volunteer’s Injury/Illness Report form