Purchase a New Lab Coat

Follow the simple instructions below to purchase new lab coats.


  1. Complete all fields of the online Lab Coat Order & Embroidery Worksheet Form. NOTE: Due to manufacturer re-calibration of Nomex I (KNC2RB) lab coat sizes, increase one size up when making a selection(s) e.g., if Medium is normally selected, increase to Large.
    • Links to the Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT), RSS, and PPE Selection web page are available in the form for ready access.
    • NOTE: Only select “I have a Risk & Safety Solution Account (RSS)” under “Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) Verification” in the form if EH&S has transitioned your group’s chemical inventory to RSS.
  2. Once completed and submitted, a summary of the worksheet data will be emailed to:
    • Requestor
    • Department Purchaser (remember to include the Department Purchaser’s email address in the worksheet)
    • Lab Safety
      • NOTE: Lab Safety will review the Lab Coat Order & Embroidery Worksheet Form. A pre-approval will be sent via email.
  3. Once a requisition is created in Workday and reviewed/approved by Lab Safety, the order will be placed.
  4. Allow two weeks or more for vendor processing and delivery. NOTE: The new lab coats will be placed in the clean locker (or on a clean rack) at the lab building’s Pick Up/Drop Off location – see Launder a Lab Coat.
Lab Coat TypeCatalog #DescriptionPrice*
Nomex-CPKNR6RBRoyal Blue/Chemical Splash Protection; snap front; elastic cuffs$345.80
Nomex I**KNC2RBRoyal Blue; snap front; elastic cuffs$221.20
Nomex IIKNL6NVRoyal Blue; snap front; snaps on cuffs$144.05
Flame Resistant Treated CottonKLL6NVNavy Blue; snap front; snaps on cuffs$68.38
Standard Cotton415White; 100% Cotton$31.40
Fluid Resistant (barrier)ADI- BLC01White; 100% polyester; snap front; cuffs$30.06

* Pricing as of 04/27/2022 – $1.75 charge per lab coat will be added to final invoice for the RFID and barcoding of garments.

**When ordering, increase by one full size e.g., if Medium is normally selected, increase to Large.

Embroidery fees

  • $8 per logo per lab coat
  • $8 each additional line (e.g., individual’s name, department name) per lab coat.

Department Purchaser

  1. Create a General Request requisition type in Workday.
  2. Select Medico (American Textile Maintenance) as vendor. NOTE: Lab coats may be purchased through other vendors, however, they must be RFID tagged by Medico for laundry servicing.
  3. Create multiple goods lines with clear descriptions of each lab coat type, size, and quantity needed (non-catalog items).
  4. Add additional lines for embroidery if embroidery is desired. Refer to the Lab Coat Order & Embroidery Worksheet summary email for pertinent details. NOTE: You will receive this email if the Requestor included you in the form. Lab Safety will receive a copy of the email as well.
  5. Lab Safety/EH&S is notified when the Lab Coats (SC0235) spend category is selected.
  6. Once Lab Safety/EH&S reviews and approves the request, the order will be placed.
  7. Allow two weeks or more for vendor processing and delivery. NOTE: The new lab coats will be placed in the clean locker (or on a clean rack) at the lab building’s Pick Up/Drop Off location – see Launder a Lab Coat.

Borrow a Lab Coat

The Lab Coat Loaner Program provides research staff and faculty with appropriate lab coats on a temporary basis until permanent lab coats can be purchased and delivered. Additionally, the loaners (Nomex and Flame Resistant Treated Cotton) may be temporarily substituted for damaged or inappropriate lab coat types (e.g., polyester blends) while new ones are ordered. Researchers may use the coats for up to four (4) weeks and request additional time as needed.

  1. Order new lab coats for your lab (see Purchase a New Lab Coat above).
  2. Complete the loaner request form below and submit.
  3. Once approved, you will receive email notification to pick up the loaner. Loaners are available at UPC and HSC EH&S offices – see locations below. NOTE: Loaner type and size are subject to availability at the time of the request.
  4. Loaners are approved for up to four weeks. Contact EHS@usc.edu or labsafety@usc.edu to request an extension, if needed.
  5. After use, place soiled loaners in the nearest soiled locker or hamper (see Pick Up/Drop Off Locations under Launder a Lab Coat) and notify EHS@usc.edu or labsafety@usc.edu.
  6. Users are required to reimburse EH&S for loaners that are damaged, heavily contaminated, or lost.

University Park Campus

Health Sciences Campus

3434 S. Grand Avenue, CAL 120
Los Angeles, CA 90089
2001 N Soto Street, SBA #329
Los Angeles, CA 90032

Main No. 323-442-2200

Launder a Lab Coat

Lab Coat Laundering is made available to principal investigators and their respective research groups through a partnership between the university and Medico. Participation in the program is encouraged, but not mandatory.

  • Pick Up/Drop Off (PU/DO) locations at UPC and HSC will remain the same. To locate the nearest PU/DO station for your building, refer to:
  • Laundering service is scheduled weekly or bi-weekly for labs and lab buildings at UPC (Monday and Friday) and HSC (Friday). For more information, contact Medico (see below).
  • To obtain a key to soiled and laundered lockers, your department’s Authorized Key Requestor must:
    • Enter a key request for Laundry Locker keys with the Lock Shop.
    • Direct the request to Barry Cole/Lock Shop.

RFID a Lab Coat

DO NOT place lab coats without Medico RFID chips in laundry bags or soiled lockers! Without RFID chips, these lab coats may never return from the Medico plant. If you have un-barcoded lab coats or barcoded lab coats that you inherited, follow these instructions.

  1. Create a spreadsheet inventory (lab coat type, size, and quantity) of all non-RFID lab coats, lab coats that were inherited, etc. for your records. A sample spreadsheet is available for download.
  2. Create a Repair Tag for each lab coat by completing the Repair Tag Form below.
    • You will receive an email after submitting the form with Repair Tag information.
    • Print the Repair Tag/email on:
      • Printer paper and rubber band the repair tag to the arm of the lab coat. OR,
      • A large adhesive label and apply in a conspicuous area (e.g., lab coat front).
  3. Place all lab coats with Repair Tags in a plastic bag or cardboard box.
  4. Identify the bag or box with another completed Repair Tag. NOTE: Ensure that spare lab coats of appropriate type and size are available for research staff to wear.
  5. Contact Teresa Lin/Medico Project Manager –  teresal@medicolinen.com or (562) 522-2448 – to coordinate a pick-up of the parcel.
  6. Allow two weeks to process. Teresa (or a Route Service Representative) will return the re-tagged lab coats to the lab location.


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