Date: | Tuesday, January 21, 2025 |
To: | Principal Investigators and Permit Holders |
From: | Deona Willes, MPH, CLS, Executive Director, Environmental Health & Safety |
Subject: | Annual Laboratory Safety Training Refresher Reminder |
Dear USC Researcher Community,
In light of the wildfire disasters affecting members of our community, we want to extend our thoughts and support to everyone impacted during this challenging time. Please reach out to us if we can support you in any way.
As we continue to prioritize safety in all areas, please take this opportunity to renew your commitment to your lab by completing the Annual Laboratory Safety Refresher Training. The training should be completed within the next 60 days. This action not only satisfies USC policy and state and federal regulations, but also underscores and perpetuates our prevailing lab safety culture.
Download the Annual Refresher Memo & Safety Topics Checklist >>
For your convenience, we merged the Site-Specific Training Record (SSTR) and Annual Safety Refresher (ASR) checklists into a SSTR Web Application – visit the Annual Laboratory Safety Refresher web page or view the SSTR printable instructions for details. This simplifies the process and expedites compliance.
Here’s what’s new at EH&S:
- EH&S 2024 Annual Summary. This is a compendium of EH&S’ accomplishments, metrics, collaborations, and its on-going services throughout 2024. http://tiny.cc/usc-annual-summary
- RSS Module. Radioisotope users that have an RSS account can now manage their RAM inventory using the RSS Radiation Module. Additionally, radioactive waste disposal requests are handled within the same module.
- Training Catalog Reminder. As a reminder, visit the Training Catalog to become re-acquainted with EH&S’ training courses and requirements.
- Coming Soon: A new instructional video serieson Compressed Gas Cylinder Regulator Attachment, Removal, and Leak Testing will be available. See the Hazardous & Compressed Gases web page for best practices in the management of high-pressure gas cylinders. Additionally, EH&S is collaborating with a multidisciplinary team to meet a May 2025 federal deadline to implement the Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) Policy. More to come soon!
As a final note, we invite you to share your thoughts about EH&S through a brief customer survey.
Thank you again for your continuing efforts to protect the health and safety of the campus community.
Questions? Please contact labsafety@usc.edu or call 323-442-2200.