Entanglement Hazards Flyer

Serious injuries (and deaths) have occurred from loose clothing, fingers, and hair becoming entangled in a machine’s rotating parts. Post the Entanglement Flyer in critical areas where these potential hazards exist….

Wait! Don’t Contaminate!

Researchers may unwittingly contaminate clean surfaces (e.g., door handles and elevator buttons) with soiled gloves after exiting the lab. Please post the Wait!” Don’t Contaminate! flyer at all lab exit doors….

Chemical Spill Notification

EH&S announces the publication of its brief, step-wise summary on the procedure for chemical spill notification (see Chemical Spill Notification Guide). Visit the Spill Response and Clean-Up web page for more information….

Great Shake Out 2018

The Office of Environmental Health & Safety and the Hazardous Materials Division participated in joint disaster response exercises during the Great Shake Out on October 18, 2018. Activities included the set up of staging and rehab areas, review of procedural guidelines, and instruction on PPE/SCBA equipment use….

Health Alert: Typhus Outbreak

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has declared an outbreak of Flea-Borne Typhus in Downtown Los Angeles. As of October 4, 2018, six of the nine cases of the flea-borne disease have been found in persons experiencing homelessness. Read the Health Alert >>…

2018 Biosafety Month Prize Drawing

Please join the USC Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) in celebrating the fifth annual Biosafety Month. The theme for this year is “Promoting a Culture of Biosafety and Responsibility” with the social network hashtag #getyourcultureon. USC’s initiative for the year 2018 is to encourage all labs to acquire or assemble a kit to…

Lessons Learned

The Lessons Learned web page details actual incidents that occurred in the lab and offers corrective actions to prevent recurrence. The Lessons Learned web page is accessed through the USC Safety Connections web page….

Radiation Safety Manual 2018

EH&S recently revised the USC Radiation Safety Manual to include updated information and graphics for all USC community members that work with radioactive materials (RAM) and/or radiation-producing devices. The manual is now available for download….

Request Hazmat Pick-ups through EHSA

The USC Office of Environmental Health & Safety is pleased to announce that all Hazardous Waste Pickup Requests will now be processed and tracked through the EH&S Assistant (ESHA) web application. EHSA provides a utility for the USC community to track and manage hazardous waste streams in accordance with various state regulations (Title 22, CCR…

Laser Safety Manual 2018

EH&S recently revised the USC Laser Safety Manual to include updated information and graphics for all USC community members that work with lasers. The 2020 manual is now available for download….