The USC Food Safety Program was developed under local, state, and federal regulations and guidelines to: (1) protect the health and well-being of the USC community and its guests and (2) ensure that food served by on-campus vendors and in-house caterers is safe, unadulterated, and honestly presented. The manual is now available for download….
Category: Announcements
Get Vaccinated for Influenza!
Fall is here, and everyone is encouraged to get vaccinated against influenza. Flu and COVID-19 often can present similar respiratory symptoms; receiving a flu vaccine will help with an accurate and timely diagnosis if you become ill. September and October are ideal months to get vaccinated for influenza….
Monkeypox Guide Sheet
Use the Monkeypox Guide Sheet to understand: (a) the levels of risk to Monkeypox exposure, (b) what to do if you have symptoms, and (c) the simple ways of protecting yourself against contracting it. Review the Monkeypox Health Alert for supplemental information….
2022 Animal Research Biosafety Program & Manual – Now Available
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) in collaboration with the Department of Animal Resources (DAR) has created the Animal Research Biosafety Program to ensure that laboratory animals are handled safely and that risks associated with biological, chemical, and radiological hazards are minimized. The manual is now available for download. Questions? Contact EH&S at…
Radiation Safety Training (RAD) Now Available via Trojan Learn
EH&S is pleased to announce the launch of a new Online Radiation Safety Training, available via Trojan Learn. The course covers radioactive materials (RAM), radiation sources, and radiation-producing devices, safe work practices, personal protective equipment (PPE), and radioactive waste management. Anyone working with or has the potential to be exposed to radiation, radioactive materials, or…
2022 Hearing Conservation Program – Now Available
The Hearing Conservation Program is designed to prevent occupational noise-induced hearing loss and comply with California OSHA requirements (8CCR5095-5100). The Hearing Conservation Program Manual and revised Hearing Conservation & Noise Control Fact Sheet are now available for download. Visit the Hearing Conservation web site for additional information. Questions? Contact EH&S at (323) 442-2200 or….
Monkeypox Health Alert
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that member states (which are not endemic to Monkeypox) have identified confirmed cases of Monkeypox since mid-May, 2022. During the same period, CDC reported multiple cases of confirmed Monkeypox cases in several US states….
New! The 2022 Reproductive Health Program (RHP) is now available.
The USC Reproductive Health Program (RHP) sets forth basic guidelines and best practices for USC faculty, staff, and students to work, study, or conduct research safely in USC facilities where possible exposures to reproductive hazards may exist. Consult the RHP for details….
Now Available! The 2022 Hazardous Waste Management Manual
Good News, Everyone! The Hazardous Waste Management Manual is now available and ready for download. Use this detailed and comprehensive publication as a ready reference for management of USC’s waste streams, waste staging, labeling, laboratory move/closures, and more. Questions? Contact EH&S at (323) 442-2200 or….
Memo: Masking Guidance Update
MEMORANDUM Date: January 5, 2022 To: USC Faculty and University Staff CC: USC Students From: Deona Willes, MPH, CLS, Executive DirectorUSC Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)Sarah Van Orman, MD, MMM, FACHAChief Health Officer, USC Student HealthDivision Chief for College Health, Keck School of Medicine of USC Subject: Updated Masking Guidance for Campus Environments As many…