Environmental Health & Safety is pleased to announce the launch of Risk & Safety Solutions (RSS) software, a new data solution designed to assist stakeholders with chemical inventory tracking, hazard assessments, and waste management (to name a few!).
The new system is aligned with the university’s overarching culture of safety and will replace EHSA as the Go-To database application. New features include:
An Accurate Chemical Inventory = Greater EfficiencyCompleting a full chemical inventory can be daunting for a research group with limited resources. However, EH&S with its team of specialists will inventory and barcode every stock chemical container in all USC laboratories and storage spaces and enter them into the new Risk & Safety Solutions (RSS) application. You’ll then barcode newly acquired chemicals and remove empty containers as you update your RSS account.
Lightning Fast Reconciliation with RFID TechnologyBarcodes with RFID technology will be placed on every chemical container and sublocation (e.g., shelves, refrigerators, flammable cabinets) at the time of the initial inventory. Chemical Inventory specialists will utilize RFID scanners during subsequent lab inspections to quickly identify which chemicals are not accounted for in your inventory.
Watch a video on RFID inventory reconciliation>>
Safety & Compliance Made EasyOnce your chemical inventory is captured in RSS, the RSS library of over 1M chemicals matches each chemical with its corresponding Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Having SDSs readily accessible helps keep your lab safe and in compliance with Cal/OSHA regulations.
RSS and EH&S – Here to HelpIf you are new to the Risk & Safety Solutions application, the RSS Training Academy is here to help you get acquainted! Live trainers host weekly topical webinars that demonstrate the application in action and field questions you may have about a particular module or feature. You may contact EH&S for help and support as well.
View upcoming RSS Training Academy webinars >>
If EH&S has already conducted your initial chemical inventory setup, click here to download the
Getting Started Guide Sheet >>
Questions? Contact us at EHS@usc.edu or 323-442-2200.