The Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) supports the educational summer programs at USC that inspire youth by offering safety consultation, training, and resources to the schools and departments that sponsor these programs.

Schools and departments are encouraged to review each section below as they plan their summer programs. If your summer program involves minors, please visit the Youth Protection and Programming Registration Roadmap to begin the process.

Safety Training

Safety training suited for the summer programs will be determined through consultation with EH&S. Fill out the form at least two months in advance of the program’s start date so that EH&S can effectively accommodate training (or trainings).

What programs require laboratory safety training?

  • A “laboratory” is any research or instructional area where chemical, biological, radiological, or other hazardous materials, research animals, or hazardous equipment are used and/or stored. Any personnel working in such a space requires laboratory safety training.
  • View EH&S’ Safety Training Catalog.

Online Training

  • Summer program participants who have a USC Net ID and iVIP access may take many EH&S safety trainings via USC TrojanLearn.

Organized Tours

Organized tours through areas that have the potential for exposure to hazardous materials/equipment, biohazardous agents, physical hazards, radioactive materials, high energy sources, and other high hazards are under the direct supervision of faculty.

During the tours:

  • All hazardous activity will be postponed.
  • Minors will not handle hazardous materials or equipment.
  • Appropriate PPE will be worn by attendees as determined by PI, supervising faculty, lab manager, and/or shop manager.

NOTE: Comprehensive laboratory safety training may not be required depending on program activities and locations.

Educational Activities

Educational activities for minors must be low risk and under constant supervision. Supervision is assumed by the Principal Investigator (PI), supervising faculty member, or lab or shop manager. Daily supervision may be delegated to knowledgeable employees. Additionally, minor or minors:

  1. Must be sponsored by faculty or PI.
  2. Will not handle highly hazardous materials/equipment, DEA controlled substances or radioactive materials (RAM).
  3. Will wear appropriate PPE as determined by PI, supervising faculty, or lab or shop manager.
  4. Will not be permitted in certain areas (e.g., respiratory protection required, rad area dosimeter).

Consent Forms

The following consent forms must be completed and filed with the sponsoring school/department.

  1. USC Lab or Shop Consent for High School Student Participation – completed by faculty sponsor and signed by faculty sponsor, PI, Department Chair, and parent or guardian.
  2. Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) and/or Shop Safety Risk Assessment – completed by PI, faculty sponsor, Lab Manager, or Shop Manager.
  3. USC Parent/Legal Guardian Consent for Minor Working in Potentially Hazardous Work Areas – completed and signed by parent or guardian.
  4. Physician’s Medical Clearance for Minor Working in Areas with Animals – completed and signed by minor’s personal physician.
  5. USC Minor’s Agreement for Working in Potentially Hazardous Work Areas – completed and signed by minor.

Emergency Information

Ensure that all participants have access to the following essential emergency information: