Spills caused by broken or damaged containers must be documented by the DEA Registrant or an Authorized User by completing and submitting a Controlled Substance Incident Report. Follow the instructions below to properly clean up and document controlled substance and precursor chemical spills.

Controlled Substances Spill Clean-Up

  1. Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the controlled substance for pertinent spill clean-up information.
    • Ensure that proper personal protective clothing and equipment, as specified by the cited spill procedure, are utilized during cleanup.
  2. Clean up chemical spills per instructions outlined in the Chemical Spill Notification Guide. Contact EH&S if assistance is needed.
  3. Update corresponding Usage and Disposal Log to reflect loss of material.
  4. Request a hazardous chemical waste pick-up request online.
  5. Document the incident by completing the Controlled Substance Incident Report.
  6. Email completed form to the CS Manager at ehs-cs@usc.edu.
  7. EH&S will work with labs to ensure they submit all necessary reports to the DEA (Form 106). This must be completed within 24 hours of the reported loss.

NOTE: Controlled substances that cannot be used because of contamination (tablets) or that cannot be recovered (liquids) after a spill must be disposed of as hazardous chemical waste along with all materials used in the clean-up.

Precursor Chemical Spill Clean-Up

Precursor chemical spills must be cleaned up according to their respective chemical hazard classes (e.g. corrosives) as specified in the USC Chemical Hygiene Plan and available SDS. Ensure that proper personal protective clothing and equipment, as specified by cited spill procedure, are utilized during clean-up. Contact EH&S if assistance is needed.