Pickup Requests for Research Areas

Risk and Safety Solutions (RSS)

  • Research groups with active chemical inventory in RSS
  • Anyone using radioactive materials
  • Create chemical, biological, or universal “waste tags”

View the WASTe User Tutorial for more information.


EH&S Assistant (EHSA)

  • Research groups with active chemical inventory in EHSA
  • Request chemical, biological, radioactive, or universal waste pickups

View the EHSA Waste Pickup + Supplies Request SOP for more information.
Rad users: SOP Radioactive Waste Management >>

Non-Research Areas: Universal (Electronic) Waste

Universal Waste Requests

  • USC departments or administrative areas
  • Electronic waste (eWaste): Electronic devices, batteries, electric lamps, paints and art supplies, etc.

For background information on Universal Waste Management, download and review the Fact Sheet.

Move or Close a Lab

To move or close a lab, visit the Move or Close a Lab page and follow the instructions.

Request Waste Supplies

Waste Supplies Request Form

  • Request chemical, biological, radioactive, or universal waste containers

Other HazMat Services