- General
- Health Alerts
- Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals
- Biosafety
- Lab Safety
- Radiation Safety/Laser Safety
- Occupational Health & Safety
- HazMat/Environmental Compliance
- Sustainability
- Program Manuals
Health Alerts
- Bed Bugs
- Chickenpox & Shingles
- COVID-19
- Dengue Virus
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus
- Gastroenteritis Health Alert
- Hepatitis A
- Lice
- Measles
- Measles (Spanish version)
- Meningococcal Disease
- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Monkeypox
- Monkeypox Guide Sheet
- Norovirus
- Scabies
- Seasonal Influenza (“Flu”)
- Tuberculosis
- Typhus (Flea-Borne)
- West Nile Virus
- Zika Virus Disease
Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals
- Controlled Substances Use Authorization (CSUA)
- Controlled Substance Purchase Guide Sheet
- Controlled Substances Recordkeeping & Inventory
- Waste Disposal of Controlled Substances
- DEA Registration & Renewal
- Precursor Chemical Purchase Guide Sheet
- Animal Allergies
- Animal Exposure Risk Assessment
- Biohazardous Spill Clean-Up
- BSL-2+ Guidelines for Using SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Specimens
- Class II Biosafety Cabinets
- Common Disinfectants for the Laboratory
- Cryostats and Microtomes
- Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC)
- Glove Donning and Doffing
- Proper Use of Class II Biosafety Cabinets
- Recombinant & Synthetic Nucleic Acids and Biohazard Incident Reporting
- Safe Alternatives to Open Flames in a BSC
- Transfer of Biological Materials
- Transport of Biological Materials
- Vaccinia Vaccine
- Waste Anesthetic Gas Canisters
Lab Safety
- Biological Abbreviations and Formulas
- Chemical Abbreviations and Formulas
- Chemical Spill Kit Guide Sheet
- Chemical Waste Disposal
- Cryogen Safety
- Eye Protection
- Food and Drink in Laboratories
- Footwear: Shoes
- Goggle/Face Shield for Splash Hazards
- Guanidinium Thiocyanate
- Hydrogen Fluoride Safety
- Lab Coat Selection and Laundering Service
- 10-Minute Lab Safety Talks
- Laboratory Security
- Mercury Safety
- Peroxide Formers
- Phenol Safety
- PPE at Desk in Laboratory Guide
- Sharps and Broken Glass Disposal
- Soldering Safety
- Student Lab Coat Laundering
- Ultraviolet Radiation
- Unattended Hazardous Operations
- Waste Hierarchy
Radiation Safety/Laser Safety
- Cleaning Radioactive Contamination
- Electron Microscope Safety Guide Sheet
- Fluoroscopy in Research
- Generally Licensed Radioactive Material
- Iodination Safety
- Laser Safety
- Laser Safety Eyewear
- Personnel Monitoring Devices
- Rad Waste Disposal
- Radioactive Contamination Checks
- Radioactive Material Handling
- Radioactive Material Purchase
- Radioactive Material Transport/Shipment
- Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) – Radioactive Materials (RAM)
- Radiofrequency Radiation
- Radiofrequency Transmitting Antennas
- Rodent Irradiation
- Uranyl Compounds
- X-ray Producing Device Registration
Occupational Health & Safety
- Cal-OSHA Inspections
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Cuts and Lacerations
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Eyewash & Shower Activation
- Ergonomics in the Workplace
- First Aid Kits
- Food Safety
- Globally Harmonized System
- Globally Harmonized System – El Sistema Global Armonizado – Spanish version
- Hand and Power Tools Safety
- Hearing Conservation and Noise Control
- Heat Illness Prevention
- Heat Illness Prevention – Spanish
- Heat Illness Prevention for Supervisors
- Heat Illness (Indoor) Prevention
- Hierarchy of Controls
- IIPP Administrator Guide
- IIPP Fact Sheet
- Indoor Air Pollution: Gas Stoves
- Indoor Air Quality: Workplace Odors
- Ladder Basics
- Lifting and Back Safety
- Mold Prevention
- Mold Prevention in Cold Rooms
- Prescription Safety Glasses Form
- Radiofrequency Transmitting Antennas
- Respiratory Protection Program
- Safe Operation of Low Speed Vehicles
- Safe Operation of Utility Carts
- Slips, Trip, and Fall Prevention
- Understanding Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Vehicle/Driver Safety
- Water Damage and Restoration
HazMat/Environmental Compliance
- Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST)
- Aerosol Can Management
- Air Pollution Emission
- Battery Recycling (Sustainable Practice)
- California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)
- Compressed Gas Cylinder Disposal
- Compressed Gas Cylinder Storage
- Defrosting Research Freezers & Refrigerators
- EHSA Waste Pick-up SOP + Waste Supplies
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Hazardous Waste Labeling
- Hazardous Waste Prep and Staging
- Recycling Hazardous Waste
- Universal Waste Management
Program Manuals
Research Safety
- Animal Research Biosafety Manual
- Biosafety Manual
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Laser Safety Manual
- Radiation Safety Manual
- X-Ray Safety Manual
Occupational Health & Safety
- Cart Safety Manual
- Confined Space Entry Program
- Dive Safety Manual
- Fall Protection Manual
- Hazard Communication Program
- Hearing Conservation Program
- Heat Illness Prevention Program
- Injury and Illness Prevention Plan
- Machine Guarding Program (MGP)
- Reproductive Health Program (RHP)
- Respirator Protection Program (RPP)
- Shop Safety Manual