Heat Illness Awareness for July 2023

Happy July, Everyone! As we prepare for festivities (Independence Day), outdoor activities, and vacations, it is important to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses, which occur when the body is unable to cool itself efficiently after exposure to heat stressors. Remember to hydrate frequently, rest, and seek shade. EH&S’ Heat Illness Prevention Training on Trojan…

Visit the Updated Lab Startup and New PI Onboarding Web Page

The Lab Startup and New PI Onboarding web page features quick and convenient information to get things started as a new PI in a new lab. Visit the Lab Startup web page to learn more about: Training & SOPs (peruse the training catalog of required courses and access lab-specific SOPs), Chemical Inventory (discover the new…

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The Sites at USC platform is currently in scheduled maintenance from Saturday, May 18th, 1:30 AM, through Sunday, May 19th, 1:30 AM. During this period, all sites are in read-only mode, and site owners will be unable to log in or make edits. Visitors can still access and navigate sites as usual. Thank you for your patience.